Updates can be followed here or on the Westby Chamber's Facebook page.: Westby Main St./Hwy 14 Improvement Project 2024
You can follow the DOT project progress below.
December 10, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
The contractor is anticipating the traffic will be switched to the roundabout and new lanes on Thursday. As a reminder, the contractor will be installing additional devices for the winter after traffic has been moved onto the roundabout. There are additional signs that must be installed after traffic is switched, as well. Please be patient while these final items are installed. These devices will help with navigation of the roundabout so please drive carefully until lanes have been clearly defined with these devices and directional signs are in place.
Access to WCCU and Nordic Lanes will be available from the new frontage road. The new frontage road intersects with USH 14 near the westernmost WCCU access.
Additional pavement markings will need to be installed at a later date, as Thursday’s temperatures will not fall into an acceptable range for that work to be completed.
Areas with “exposed topsoil” have been treated with a soil stabilizer for winter. This material is clear. These areas will have any final restoration completed in the spring. Please try to leave these areas undisturbed until work can resume next year.
Enjoy the rest of your week and we look forward to successful completion of this project in 2025.
December 4, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
The day you have been waiting for is almost here. The contractor is hopeful that they will be able to switch traffic onto the new lanes and roundabout on Friday, pending any unforeseen circumstances. Otherwise, it will be early next week.
Attached is a map of what access at the roundabout will look like. There will be a right only access to the parking lot of Hansen’s Market off of USH 14. This is an entrance ONLY. To exit the Hansen’s parking lot, you will have to utilize the driveway onto STH 27 or Swiggum Road. At this time, the access from Hansen’s Market to Ramsland Road will be closed permanently. The new frontage road will connect to Ramsland. Access to Nordic Lanes and WCCU will be from the new frontage road or from Ramsland via Swiggum. Parking can resume in the downtown area once traffic is completely switched. Unfortunately, parking stall lines may not be marked out until early 2025.
We ask that you please be patient during the switch, as barricades and traffic control devices must be installed after traffic is moved for the switch to be complete. There will be additional pavement markings that need to be installed as weather and temperatures allow over the next few weeks. You will see a bit more work over the next few weeks to complete the winter preparations.
With that being said, this will be the last regular project update for the 2024 construction season. Please keep an eye out for anticipated start date in 2025. Thank you for all your patience and understanding. We strive to have provided you with accurate information and hope that these updates were beneficial. Enjoy the remainder of 2024 and we look forward to a successful completion of the project in 2025.
November 21, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
Thank you again for your patience over the last couple weeks. All of the concrete work for this stage of the project is anticipated to be poured by the end of the day tomorrow and most driveways will be accessible early next week. Over the next couple weeks, contractors will continue placing gravel driveways, topsoil, signs and pavement markings. The contractor will also be cleaning up the site for the winter shutdown. Some of the work is temperature sensitive and will only be able to be completed on certain days at certain times. Please by mindful of parking during work hours so this work can be completed when possible. The contractor is not currently scheduled to work next Thursday - Sunday for the Thanksgiving Holiday. They are hoping to be ready for traffic to be on the new lanes and through the roundabout sometime after Thanksgiving. An updated map will be included next week to assist with access to Hansen’s Market, WCCU and Nordic Lanes.
To prepare for the opening of the roundabout, I have attached a brochure about how roundabouts work. I have also included a link to the WisDOT Roundabout Site. This site has lots of tools and videos to assist you with questions and provide guidance.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation How roundabouts work
Your patience through this construction season has been greatly appreciated. There will only be a few more updates this year. Once construction is suspended for the winter, updates will only be provided in certain situations and to provide a notice of construction restarting in spring.
November 14, 2024 update:
Thank you again for your continued patience as we continue through the final weeks of the 2024 construction season.
Today, there will be a new configuration on the far north end of the project limits to complete the final main section of concrete for USH 14. During this time traffic will be split and access to High Echo will be unavailable from USH 14. This is anticipated to last approximately 7-10 days.
We have been getting lots of questions regarding the sidewalks and driveways. The contractor is currently scheduled to have all sidewalks and driveways completed before thanksgiving, weather permitting. As a reminder, concrete takes 5-7 days to achieve the required strength for vehicle access. Pedestrians can access sidewalks much earlier but please do not attempt to cross fresh concrete or any locations that are coned or taped off.
The multi use path is being paved today. This operation will have minor impacts to traffic, so please watch for flaggers.
Over the next few weeks, there may be additional intermittent impacts to traffic as the contractor continues working on the final items for the season. Pavement markings will be installed and these operations will require flagging and may cause minor delays to traffic.
Again, thank you for your continued patience and understanding during this project.
November 8, 2024 update:
We cannot continue to thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue through these last few weeks of this construction season.
Please understand that the eastbound side of the street is not open for public use yet. This area is still a work zone. This includes driveway access to businesses between Black River and Coon Prairie. Most side streets through downtown have been opened and those are the only locations where vehicles should be crossing the work area. Please continue to use alternate access to businesses through downtown, as it is not safe for the public, pedestrians or construction workers. Vehicles within the work area will need to be able to be moved during work hours so the contractor can complete remaining work.
Additional concrete work was completed near the roundabout and side streets this week, along with more sidewalk and driveways. Grading should begin for the multi-use trail from South St to the south end of the project next week. Pedestrians are being moved onto the new pavement from Coon Prairie to the south end of the project for the next few weeks. Asphalt pavement was completed on the Ramsland cul-de-sac, side streets and a few driveway locations. Street lights are also being installed.
Next week will be a lot of the same work. Please be considerate of where you park so work can progress as efficiently as possible. There may be a slight traffic switch at the north end of the project to complete the final section of concrete, pending schedule. There may also be additional flagging and minor traffic impacts to complete the work over the next few weeks. Please be alert and patient while driving through the work zone. We are all looking forward to getting traffic on the new pavement as soon as possible and giving everyone a winter break from construction. Thank you again for your patience and enjoy your weekend!
November 1, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
This week has presented a few challenges with the rain and wind, but the contractor has been able to maintain the schedule for the week, with a few adjustments. The concrete for the traffic lanes should be completed to the end of the project today. The intersections of Washington Street, Park Street and South Street will be closed. Washington and South Street should reopen on Monday. The funeral home driveway will be gapped to provide access for a few functions tonight and early next week, along with Stenslien for access to the subdivision.
Next week, grading for sidewalks and driveways will continue to the south. Concrete sidewalk and driveways will follow the grading crew. Additional concrete will be placed at the roundabout and remaining intersections and curb will be placed along the new pavement. Asphalt paving is schedule to be on site next week, weather permitting, to complete downtown intersection tie-ins and the Ramsland cul-de-sac. They may also pave the first lift on the new driveway at Nordic lanes so there may be impacts to that access during the work. The old driveway is still available to access the property.
Early next week, pedestrians/cyclists may be moved onto the new pavement from South Street to the south. The old bike path will not be available once this is complete. If weather and schedule allow, they are hoping to prep the bike path for paving yet this year.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
October 24, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
We are getting closer to the end of our first of two construction seasons on this project. Mid to late next week the concrete pavement is scheduled to be placed from South Street to the south end of the project, followed by the section from Black River to the north through the roundabout. There will again be some significant delays during the concrete placement and flaggers will be on site to control traffic along the work area. Please be patient and consider using an alternate route during these times if you are able. Message boards will be up to assist you during these days.
Concrete for sidewalk, driveways and terraces areas will be poured over the next few weeks. Please do not attempt to cross, walk, drive, bike, etc on any areas that have been freshly poured or have been coned/taped off. Damage to these areas will require replacement and will delay the opening of those sections of the project. Work is anticipated to continue into mid to late November/early December, weather permitting. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.
October 17, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
Thank you for your patience during this week while we worked through paving the downtown intersections. Most downtown intersections should be fully open by Monday, weather and schedule permitting. There will still be limited width in some locations due to the lack of curb & gutter, which is scheduled to begin installation next week, followed by sidewalks and driveways.
Grading is continuing at the north end of the project. The contractor is also planning to pave the remaining driving lanes of concrete on the south and north ends of the project by the first week in November, weather permitting.
Again, thank you for your patience and enjoy your weekend!
October 9, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
The update is being sent a day early, due to the significant delays to traffic that may be incurred during work the rest of the week. The contractor is going to begin placing concrete pavement near Black River Street heading south tomorrow. During this time, only one lane of traffic will be able to travel through portions of downtown. USH 14 and sideroad intersections will be flagged. Some side streets will be closed during this time, as well. Delays may be significant and if you are able to use alternate routes, please consider doing so. Next week, some intersections will remain closed and additional concrete work will be continuing to tie in at side streets.
The South Street intersection should be rocked and re-opening by the end of the workday today. This will be your best access to the school during downtown concrete work, once reopened.
Removals have started from Park Street heading north. If you are accessing properties along the closed section of HWY 14 near the roundabout, please use extreme caution. During removals some crossings will be unavailable, and you may have to share side streets and alley access with more vehicles.
Another reminder that the concrete may need to be sawcut during overnight or early morning hours. We apologize for that inconvenience.
Thank you for your patience and enjoy the rest of your week!
October 3, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
Work this week has been similar to last week, with storm sewer installations, grading and rock placement.
The asphalt paving contractor is scheduled to complete the temporary tie ins at the roundabout tomorrow. That will tentatively put the traffic switch at the roundabout sometime early next week, likely Monday. Traffic will no longer be on the USH 14 lanes from the north end of town to Black River. All traffic will be on the new concrete and temporary lanes through the roundabout. The intersection of USH 14 and STH 27 will be slightly different, with the STH 27 traffic split on the new pavement. Access to Hansen’s will be available from STH 27 south and access to Zzipstop will be from STH 27 north. I have attached the map from last week again for reference.
Late next week, concrete paving is scheduled to be placed from Black River to Coon Prairie. This could extend even further south if the grading contractor is able to have more sections ready for paving. During this time, residents and business owners who have driveway access within the work zone section of USH 14 will need to arrange alternate parking. The concrete could take up to 7 days before it has sufficient strength for traffic use.
During concrete placement, traffic will have to be flagged along USH 14. The machine requires additional space to operate, and only a single vehicle will be able to fit through the work area during this time. This will create delays to traffic. If you can utilize alternate routes late next week, it could greatly reduce your commute time. The contractor will be reaching out to the school to help clarify bussing access and when we have a clear plan, we will provide an update for the recommended routes during the next few weeks.
Additional message boards will be out with real time traffic details during paving. Please keep and eye out for changes as the work progresses through the downtown.
Overnight sawcutting of concrete may be required during this time. As was noted earlier this year, concrete must be sawcut during a certain window of time after placement. This could mean that the contractor needs to sawcut the concrete at any point in time, including evening, overnight and early morning hours. We apologize for this inconvenience, as we know this operation is loud, but incorrect timing of this sawcutting can result in the pavement having to be removed and replaced.
Thank you for your patience and enjoy your weekend.
September 26, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
The contractor is continuing with grading and storm sewer installations through downtown. They anticipate placing rock tomorrow and Saturday through the excavated sections. This work will continue into next week. The next second of the roundabout was poured. Curb & gutter will be placed along STH 27 and at the Ramsland cul-de-sac early next week. Additional temporary asphalt will need to be installed before traffic can be switched onto the new lanes of STH 27 and the temporary lanes for USH 14. During this time, traffic will no longer be on existing USH 14 from High Echo Lane to Washington Street. Access to some businesses will still temporarily utilize the old pavement until removals are completed and new temporary accesses are installed. This section will be challenging due to the elevation change of the new roadway. The contractor should be working with the businesses when removals begin to arrange access points during removals.
A new map is attached with the traffic pattern for USH 14 traffic during this next phase. This could be implemented as early as the end of next week. Both new lanes of STH 27 will be open for traffic and the access to Hansen’s market will be reopened off of the southbound lane. USH 14 traffic will be on the new frontage road and temporary lanes through the roundabout and into downtown. This switch will only impact traffic between Park Street and High Echo Lane and on STH 27. All other traffic will remain in the current configurations for the rest of the project area.
We would ask that if you drive large farm equipment or oversized vehicles or know of anyone who does, please consider alternate routes for the next few weeks. The current lanes through downtown are a max width of 10’ per direction. It is dangerous for all drivers, pedestrians, students walking to and from school, and workers to safely navigate the area when vehicles are too wide to for the roadway.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Enjoy your weekend!
September 19, 2024 update:
We finally have traffic on some new concrete. The detour route has been paved and bidirectional traffic can resume along Bekkedal and Coon Prairie. Please be mindful that the stop signs at State Street have been removed and you have to stop on Bekkedal.
Thank you for your patience as the contractor has begun working through downtown with removals and widening intersections for easier access. Removals will continue this week and into next week and storm sewer installations and grading will begin. Concrete is anticipated to be placed on the westbound lanes of STH 27 to USH 14 near Hansen’s next week. A few cross streets will remain closed during the next few weeks during removal and grading operations. Please utilize an adjacent street for access in the interim.
We are aware and working through a few locations where the temporary asphalt lanes are beginning to buckle. Hot temperatures and heavy traffic have been accelerating these issues. The contractor will be maintaining these areas by patching until a more permanent solution can be organized.
If your property now falls within the work area, please be patient as the contractors move along. They should be notifying you of impacts to your access. Some mailboxes will need to be relocated during this process and you should receive a letter if this applies to you.
Pedestrian accommodations are being adjusted to the next stage of work and once fully implemented, a new map will be provided for route clarification.
Enjoy your weekend!
September 12, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
The switch to new lanes through downtown is anticipated to happen early next week. At that time, the Coon Prairie intersection will be reopened for traffic. Asphalt paving is starting on the temporary lanes on the north end of the project today. The contractor is milling joints at the driveways and intersections on the detour route this week. Manholes and water valves will be adjusted tomorrow for the detour to be paved this week or early next week. There will be some drop-offs of approximately 1 ½” at driveways and intersections until the paving is completed. Once the detour is paved, bidirectional traffic will resume on the route. The stop signs at Strate Street will return to the original configuration and State Street will no longer be under a stop condition at the intersection with Bekkedal. The City of Westby has decided to maintain the Stop condition at the intersection of Coon Prairie & Bekkedal coming from the south.
Once traffic has been switched to the new lanes next week, removals and storm sewer will begin between Black River and Coon Prairie on the eastbound lanes. This area will be the focus for the next few weeks.
Ramsland Road is now closed to thru traffic from the West.
Enjoy your weekend!
September 9, 2024 update:
Residents and Business Owners,
The contractor has notified us that they may be closing the west access to Ramsland Rd as early as the end of this week. Once that happens, they will begin construction on the cul-de-sac and access to USH 14 from the west side will no longer be available. Work will likely not be continuous in this area so please be patient. Enjoy your week!
September 5, 2024 update:
Next week will bring some bigger changes to the work area. The intersection of Coon Prairie and USH 14 will be closed (tentatively starting Monday) to complete the concrete gap and is anticipated to be closed for roughly a week. During this time, Westbound USH 14 traffic will be shifted onto the new pavement through downtown and split after Black River. USH 14 traffic will stay left to continue on USH 14 to the west and STH 27 traffic will stay right to turn onto STH 27. Eastbound traffic will continue to travel as usual on the old lanes.
Coon Prairie will be closed from USH 14 to Bekkedal, but local traffic will be able to access their homes/businesses from Bekkedal or Grove St. Signing for one way traffic will remain on Bekkedal until the new asphalt overlay on Coon Prairie & Bekkedal is complete. The contractor is planning to complete the overlay during the time when Coon Prairie is closed. That work will be completed under flagging operations. All driveways along Coon Prairie and Bekkedal will have an edge milled for new pavement to match in. There may be a short period of time when there is a 2” drop at the end of driveways along that route. Once the overlay and pavement markings are finished, Coon Prairie and Bekkedal will return to bidirectional traffic.
We do understand that this next week may be incredibly inconvenient for some, but we do appreciate your patience during this time.
The contractor has completed the installation of Phase 2 street lighting downtown. They have also placed sod or seed with erosion mat along disturbed locations. Impacted properties will be receiving a lawn care letter regarding how to handle new growth. The contractor will continue to water these areas to assist with germination success. A copy of the letter is attached to this email. Please do not mow new areas until vegetation has grown to at least 4” in length and do not mow shorter than 3” to allow for successful revegetation of your property during this growing season. You can resume normal mowing operations after your lawn has been re-established.
With the traffic switch at the intersection of STH 27, access to Hansen’s market is available from Swiggum Rd. The Ramsland Rd access from USH 14 will be closed intermittently for storm sewer installations and asphalt paving. Anyone needing access to WCCU, Nordic Lanes, Hansen’s Market or other business in the business park should consider using Swiggum Rd in the interim. Access to Nordic Lanes is still available from USH 14.
Enjoy your weekend!
September 4, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
A traffic pattern change will be happening on the north end of the project, potentially this afternoon. USH 14 WB traffic will remain on the detour. After reaching Black River, traffic will split. USH 14 traffic will go LEFT and return to the old lanes to remain on USH 14 heading out of town. STH 27 traffic will stay RIGHT (straight) on the new pavement to turn onto STH 27. There will NOT be access to USH 14 at the intersection from the STH 27 split and you will have to safely turn around on STH 27 to regain access to USH 14. Traffic from STH 27 SB will be on the new STH 27 pavement with a stop condition at the intersection with USH 14.
At this time, access to Hansen’s Market will only be possible off of Swiggum Rd or Ramsland Rd. No turns will be possible from STH 27 to or from Hansen’s Market.
An additional full project update will be sent later this week.
August 27, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
This week’s update is being released a little earlier than usual. Tomorrow, there will be a change to the detour at Black River. Traffic will be crossing the new concrete north of the current crossover to allow to the last section of concrete to be poured for the new westbound lanes. Temporary asphalt pavement is being placed today. Sidewalk and driveway concrete will continue. Light bases will be installed, and sod will be placed through downtown next week.
Over the next few weeks, there will be a few smaller traffic switches prior to getting traffic onto the new westbound lanes. The intersection at Coon Prairie will need to be closed for a few days next week or the following to pour the pavement through that intersection. To complete that intersection, the detour will be stopped, and westbound traffic will moved onto the new concrete. During the closure of the Coon Prairie intersection, the contractor is planning to re-pave the detour route and any asphalt driveways. Once that work is complete, all traffic will be bidirectional on the new lanes from the south end of the project through downtown and Coon Prairie & Bekkedahl can return to bi-directional traffic. Work will then begin on the eastbound side of the road and the next section of the roundabout.
An updated traffic map will be generated and distributed soon.
Thank you again for your continued patience and understanding. Enjoy your holiday weekend!
August 22, 2023 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
We are getting closer to switching to Stage 3. Concrete intersections, driveways, sidewalk, and curb and gutter will continue to be placed through the rest of the week and into next week. Temporary asphalt widening was completed this week on the south end of the project and additional widening will be installed at the north end next week. There will be a change to the crossover on the detour at Black River Street. The traffic pattern will be slightly different to allow for the contractor to complete the concrete between Black River and Park Street. Restoration will begin on areas with topsoil and electrical installations will begin for the new lighting on the east side of the street in the downtown area. Residents south of Coon Prairie will not have final restoration completed due to the use of the temporary lanes during the next stage. Final restoration in these locations will be completed when the temporary lanes are no longer being used and removed.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has been in discussion with the contractor and project staff and they have decided not to complete the traffic switch immediately before the holiday weekend. The switch will happen sometime after Labor Day to alleviate any major traffic adjustment/confusion over the holiday weekend and for the start of school.
Enjoy your weekend and thank you again for your patience and understanding during this project.
August 15, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
I know it is said every week but thank you for your patience during this project. The contractor has completed most of the curb and gutter through the downtown. Sidewalk concrete is anticipated to start tomorrow and will continue into next week. Driveway concrete will begin shortly after or in conjunction with the sidewalk, so please continue to be mindful of blocked off areas.
Over the next couple weeks, concrete gaps at black river, coon prairie, the roundabout area and intersections will be completed. Asphalt pavement is also scheduled for the following week, including various intersection tie-ins, asphalt driveways, temporary lanes, and the frontage road along WCCU and Nordic Lanes. Currently, access to Nordic Lanes is only available from the frontage road. Electrical installations also need to be completed for new lighting to be functional, as well.
Enjoy your weekend!
August 8, 2024 update:
Business Owners & Residents,
Again, I want to thank you for your patience during this stage of the project. I would also like to clarify that the information provided regarding the schedule that is provided to us by the contractor, is always pending weather and other unforeseen circumstances. We try to provide everyone with the most accurate information but in some instances, it changes day to day.
With that being said, curb & gutter is now tentatively scheduled to begin in the downtown area on Monday. This will be followed by sidewalk and driveway concrete over the next few weeks. Each of these concrete pours will require time to cure. Please be mindful of areas that are blocked off and avoid accessing these locations to allow for the concrete to set appropriately. WisDOT and the contractors understand that this is an inconvenience and truly appreciate your patience and understanding during these next few weeks. Enjoy your weekend!
August 1, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
We finally have some concrete down! Thank you for your patience as the paver made its way north on the westbound lanes this week. Access to the new pavement is still currently limited, but residents will soon be able to park near their homes on the new concrete. Next week curb & gutter will be placed in the downtown area. During this time, vehicles cannot be parked on the new pavement so the machine can place the curb right along the edge of the new pavement. Following the curb & gutter, sidewalks and driveways will be poured. These operations will take a couple weeks to complete.
Please note that new concrete requires a specific strength be achieved before vehicles can access it, which includes the curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveways. Please be patient if you see areas blocked off with cones or caution tape. They are blocked off to protect both the work and your vehicle from damage during the initial concrete set up time. Pedestrians and bicyclists will also need to be mindful of fresh concrete and work efforts. There may be times where the contractor will need to safely direct you through the work zone, as they prepare for the traffic switch later this month.
Grading is also continuing on the north end of the project to build the next portion of the temporary lanes for work on the roundabout.
Thank you again for your continued patience and understanding as we work through Stage 2 of the project.
July 29, 2024 update:
Concrete was placed in front of Majestic Drive today. There will be a graded section on the north side of the intersection/shoulder for traffic to access the unpaved gravel area between Majestic and South/Storsveen. Traffic from Majestic will need to head north to South/Storsveen to access USH 14. From USH 14 traffic will also have to turn at South/Storsveen and head south on the gravel to get to Majestic drive, utilizing the same graded section on the north side of the intersection to access Majestic. Drivers will have to be mindful of traffic from both directions, take turns, and drive cautiously. No access will be available directly from USH 14 for a few days. Thank you for your patience.
July 24, 2024 update:
As you may have noticed, the start of concrete paving has been pushed back from today. The tentative new start date will be Monday. Please be mindful of the stringlines along the work area. These posts and string ensure that the concrete pavement is installed at the correct elevation and to provide a smooth ride. During this time, a few intersections will remain closed. Please utilize an adjacent intersection in the interim. Once concrete is placed, it requires up to 7 days of “cure” time before vehicular traffic can access it and a minimum 24 hrs before pedestrian traffic can utilize it. Please do not attempt to use the new pavement until it is clearly open for vehicular traffic, as this will damage your vehicle and delay the project. During this time, there will also be minor interruptions to some pedestrian crossings, and we appreciate your patience while we try to reduce the impact to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. There will be sawing required on the concrete pavement after placement. This is timed specifically to control how the concrete cures and reduces maintenance issues down the road, if timed correctly. We apologize for the inconvenience, as it is likely to happen during evening/nighttime hours.
Grading efforts are continuing near the new roundabout and will continue into next week. Again, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through the project. Enjoy the rest of your week!
July 18 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
Lots of new equipment has arrived on site this week to prepare for concrete pavement. The contractor is preparing to pave the Westbound lanes starting next week Wednesday-Friday in the areas of the South end of the project to the Black River intersection, weather permitting. Property owners with access off of the east side of USH 14 will need to arrange for alternate parking during this time. If your vehicle remains in your driveway while concrete is placed, your vehicle will be stuck until the concrete has set enough for the contractor to build access ramps to all properties (5-7 days). You should be receiving a notice from the contractor if your access will be impacted. Please watch for a letter being delivered today. Grading will continue on the north end of the project and into the area of the new roundabout next week.
The weeks following concrete pavement placement, intersections will be completed, and curb & gutter and sidewalk will be placed. These operations will also interrupt access to properties along the east side of USH 14. The contractor will be notifying property owners of disrupted access as this work continues into early August.
We understand that this is a bigger inconvenience than the current work. We do appreciate your patience and understanding while we complete these major parts of the project.
July 11, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend. Thank you for your continued patience during this portion of the project. The contractor is continuing on the westbound lanes through downtown with storm sewer installations and grading efforts. Next week, trimming for concrete pavement will begin at the south end of the project and you could see concrete paving as early as July 22nd.
Thank you for your continued patience. Enjoy your weekend!
July 2, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
Thank you for your patience during this portion of the project. The contractor is continuing to progress along the westbound lanes through downtown with storm sewer installations and grading efforts. Some significant asphalt patching was completed at first street yesterday. With the holiday weekend approaching, you will see minimal work after mid-day tomorrow until work resumes on Monday.
Thank you for your continued patience. Enjoy your weekend!
June 27, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
This is the same update as last week. We are currently in the phase of the project where the same scope of work is being completed over multiple weeks, as we progress north through the project limits.
Storm sewer, water and sanitary installations will continue. This work will be followed by electrical installations, grading, and roadway base placement. There will continue to be impacts to cross street access during the next few weeks, so please utilize the adjacent street for access if the one you are looking to use is closed. The contractor will be repairing some temporary asphalt and filling potholes early next week, as well. These items may result in minor impacts to traffic during the work.
Thank you for your patience. Enjoy your weekend!
June 20, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
As mentioned last week, the next few updates will be relatively uneventful. Work efforts are continuing like last week.
Storm sewer, water and sanitary installations will continue through the downtown area. This work will be followed by electrical installations, grading, and roadway base placement. There will continue to be impacts to cross street access during the next few weeks, so please utilize the adjacent street for access if the one you are looking to use is closed. The contractor will be repairing some temporary asphalt and filling potholes over the next few weeks, as well. These items may result in minor impacts to traffic during the work.
Thank you for your patience. Enjoy your weekend!
June 14, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
The next few updates will be relatively uneventful, as work efforts will continue to be very similar over the next few weeks.
All roadway removals have been completed for this portion of Stage 2. Over the next few weeks, storm sewer, water and sanitary installations will continue through the downtown area. This work will be followed by electrical installations, grading, and roadway base placement. There will continue to be impacts to cross street access during the next few weeks, so please utilize the adjacent street for access if the one you are looking to use is closed.
Thank you for your patience during the detour implementation and continued construction progress. Enjoy your weekend!
June 6, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
Thank you for all your patience and understanding during the detour implementation this past week. We have heard your concerns and have been, and will continue to, monitor the traffic on both the detour and USH 14. We have identified a few locations where additional signs will be placed along the detour. It always takes a week or so to adjust to traffic pattern changes. We are hoping that things are moving smoother for everyone already.
Next week, removals will continue through downtown and storm sewer installations will begin in the downtown area. There will be intermittent intersection closures for storm sewer installations, so please remember to head to the next intersection if the one you are trying to utilize is closed. Once removals are completed, grading and roadway base placement will begin on the south end of the project, working north. The City will also be removing the lighting from the east side of the street through downtown if it has not already been completed.
Again, thank you for your patience and enjoy your weekend!
May 30, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
This week threw us for a loop. The rain and factors outside our control pushed the detour implementation back. The detour should be set and operational by early afternoon tomorrow. Today, you will see the paving crew working throughout the project to try to mend and mitigate the growing pothole concern. Moisture = more potholes. We will likely be battling potholes through the summer/project but are hoping today’s efforts will greatly decrease the issue. Please continue to be patient and drive slowly.
For the next few weeks, pavement removals and storm sewer installations will be happening between Coon Prairie and Black River. All parking on USH 14 will be blocked off during this time and designated pedestrian crossings will be marked. We ask that you do not park within the construction zone at any time. There will be material deliveries and construction equipment moving through those areas throughout the day. There will also be occasional intersection closures. If the intersection you are trying to utilize is closed, the next one should be open for access. Southbound/Eastbound traffic may be interrupted by occasional flagging during storm sewer installations.
Again, thank you for your patience and enjoy your weekend!
May 23, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
We have big changes happening next week. Unfortunately, with all the rain, an extensive number of potholes have appeared on the existing pavement. The contractor, City and County have been working together to try to stay ahead of them. With that being said, the contractor will be installing an asphalt overlay along the southbound/eastbound lane from near WCCU to Coon Prairie Rd on Tuesday, after the detour is implemented. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we try to remedy this situation as quickly as we can. Patching will continue until the overlay is installed.
The northbound/westbound detour of USH 14 will be implemented sometime on Tuesday. This is the time when no parking will be allowed along USH 14 or on the detour route. The contractor will be begin removing existing pavement and sidewalk immediately after the overlay installation is complete, so we please ask that you do not park along either route started Tuesday morning at 7am.
Attached is an updated version of the detour map which now includes where pedestrian crossings will be located during the detour. Please note that traffic on State Street will be under a stop condition at Bekkedahl Ave during the detour. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is also going to be testing a pilot program for audible devices at some of the pedestrian crossings on the project. These devices will be motion activated and will verbally direct pedestrians along the correct route through the project.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we continue to progress through Stage 2.
May 16, 2024 update:
I hope you are all preparing to enjoy Syttende Mai this weekend. Work is progressing on the project, as I am sure you have noticed. Currently, old concrete pavement and storm sewer are being removed. New storm sewer is being installed. There will be some impacts to traffic at the Coon Prairie and Black River intersections next week while we complete storm sewer crossings prior to beginning the detour. At some point next week, there may also be a water service interruption on the south end of the project. If your property will be impacted, you will receive a 48 hr notice prior to the service being temporarily shut off.
We are continuing to monitor the existing pavement on the traffic shift and will be patching these areas, as needed. The detour for the NB/WB traffic is still anticipated to be implemented after Memorial Day. Pavement markings will be installed on the detour route for one way traffic. A map is attached for your reference.
Again, once the detour is implemented, there will be no street parking on the detour or on USH 14. The streets need to be clear for the contractor to stage materials, equipment and work safely and efficiently.
We appreciate your understanding during all these traffic adjustments and staging changes.
May 9, 2024 update:
Residents & Business Owners,
We have finally pushed into the start of Stage 2 on the project. Yesterday traffic was shifted onto the temporary widening areas for work to begin on the East side of USH 14 and along the South side of STH 27. This will take a little time to get used to.
Please continue to drive slowly and watch for other vehicles, pedestrians, and construction workers.
During the next few weeks, existing pavement will be removed, storm sewer and other utilities will be installed from the south end of the project to Coon Prairie and from Black River to STH 27. New road base material will be placed, along with geogrid to better stabilize the road. We ask that you do not park within the construction zones. Heavy equipment will be moving throughout the closures and materials will be stored in these areas. There will not be adequate space to accommodate parked vehicles and construction traffic. There may be certain times when access to the properties along the work zone will be limited but should be restored by the end of each working day. Work may also begin on the old portion of STH 27 later in the week.
If you have received a mailbox removal notice, please contact the Postal Service to determine where to best place your mailbox for the time being. Mailbox relocations are the responsibility of the resident/homeowner. More of these notices may be delivered as we move into the downtown work in a few weeks.
Sometime after Memorial Day, the detour of NB traffic will be implemented, and work will begin in the downtown area. At that time, no parking will be available on the detour route or USH 14, and sidewalks will need to be cleared for removals. Future updates will provide estimated timelines and locations for work, we just want to remind everyone that these restrictions are coming. Sidewalk will be always maintained on one side of the street through downtown, except for minor impacts necessary to complete removals and reinstall access. Designated crossings will be clearly marked for access to businesses and residences on the opposite side of Main St during this time.
The asphalt overlay that is going to be placed on the detour route will now be happening after the detour is complete. The intent is to provide a quality product back to the City after increasing the roadway usage during construction. We are hoping to have the overlay completed in September or shortly after the detour route is eliminated.
Work will be halted around noon on Friday, May 17th for Syttende Mai. Enjoy your weekend and thank you for your patience while we progress!
May 2, 2024 update:
April 25, 2024 update:
April 17, 2024 update:
Weekly progress update:
Thank you for your patience as we start to really get into construction this week. With the rain, the contractor has moved to the south end of the project to begin removals on the median near the intersection with Old Town Road. Removals and grading will continue next week along the west side of USH 14 from Old Town Road to Coon Prairie Avenue and from Black River Avenue to STH 27. Driveway access in these areas may be impacted during this time. It is expected that the contractor will be providing you with some notice prior to limiting access. All properties should have access reestablished prior to the end of the workday unless the property owner makes arrangements with the contractor. There will also be some work on the east side of USH 14 at Black River Avenue and Coon Prairie Avenue to prepare for the start of the detour after Memorial Day.
Sidewalk detours, sidewalk closures and side road closures will be set up as needed. Two consecutive side streets cannot be closed at the same time, so the inconvenience for accessing USH 14/Main Street should be minimal.
There are also a few properties along Main Street that will have to relocate their mailboxes during the project. The grading contractor, one of our project staff, or I will be stopping by with a note at each location. You will have to work with the post office to make sure the new location will work for them. This is something that is the responsibility of the individual property owners and we appreciate your understanding if you are one of these impacted residents.
We are also anticipating temporary asphalt paving late next week in the areas where grading and removals are happening. Coon Prairie Avenue and Bekkedal Avenue may also be milled and paved next week. After milling there may be a 2” drop at some driveways and accesses along the detour route until asphalt paving can take place. The contractor is going to do their best to minimize the time between milling and paving. All this work will by heavily dependent on weather and progress.
Feel free to reach out with any questions and again, we truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we progress through the project.
April 11, 2024 update:
Weekly progress update:
"Business Owners & Residents,
Hopefully, the snow is gone for good. This week brought quite a few changes to the project. Traffic control devices have been set for work to begin on Stage 1 on the north and south ends of the project. Over the next few weeks, there will be roadway & sidewalk removals, grading, and asphalt paving to build a temporary lane along the west side of Main Street in these areas. Grading and storm sewer installations have also started on the new temporary lanes along STH 27, which are necessary for construction to begin on the roundabout.
April 4, 2024 update:
March 27, 2024 update:
From Project Engineer:
“We have made it through our first official week of work on the USH 14 project in Westby. All tree trimming and cutting will be completed by the end of this week. On Monday, April 1st, demolition will begin on the carwash building. The erosion control contractor will be installing various erosion control devices along the project and sawcutters will be on site early in the week to start sawing sidewalk, driveways and streets for removals to start later in the week. You will also notice more traffic control devices on site later next week and traffic lane widths will start to be reduced. Please remember that while we do try to provide an accurate anticipated schedule, things can change based on a multitude of factors. As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this project. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend!”
March 19, 2024 update:
Details from yesterday's meeting with the prime contracting company - Zignego - & the DOT regarding the reconstruction of US 14 in the city of Westby can be found in the attached document.